Creating an alert policy

Alert policies represent sets of rules and conditions, with the purpose of automatically alerting you when any of your monitored servers or machines breach those conditions.

In order to be able to create an alert policy, you first need to have at least one notification channel.

First, visit Alerts section by clicking the bell icon in the main menu on the left.

Then select the Alert policies tab link.

And click the New policy button.

You'll be presented with a four stage alert policy creation wizard. Let's look at the details.


Name - type a meaningful name for the policy. (e.g. based on the conditions you'll define, target machines, or the team that will be responsible for the incident mitigation)

Expiry - define whether an alert policy should expire. Expired alert policies will no longer raise new incidents when their conditions are breached.

Cooldown - a minimum delay before a new incident can be raised for the same alert policy and server.

Auto close - incident can close automatically after a specified amount of time, even if the conditions are still being violated.


Select which servers should the alert policy monitor. You can select one of the following options.

All servers - incidents can be raised for all your monitored servers (both current, and the ones you'll add in the future)

Specific servers - you can select any specific servers you'd like to attach to this alert policy

Specific tags - if you have any tags defined, these can be used


Condition builder lets you specify rules that the target machines will be evaluated against. First choose whether all of the conditions need to be breached in order for the new incident to be raised, or any of them. Then you can create a list of conditions, by specifying the measurement from the dropdown, operator (such as "is", "greater than", "is not", etc.), and the value to be compared against.


Finally, select at least one notification channel to be used to notify you about the incident raised for the alert policy.

When you're done, click Create policy to add a new alert policy. It will automatically become active.

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